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Case Study

From Underdog to Authentic Leader


Starting Point:

  • Charlie rose to the top of a Fortune 500 company as an SVP, on a clear track to the C-suite. However, an executive who had initially championed his rise later undermined his advancement, triggering limiting beliefs and feelings of ‘always remaining an underdog.’
  • The further Charlie faced friction, the more imposter syndrome stories surfaced—questions like, “Will they really give someone like me a seat at the table?”
  • Hidden belief systems fueled these doubts, leading to decisions like staying in the role longer than desired, out of fear of not being seen or met at higher levels and different organizations.
  • Refusing to compromise or feel diminished, Charlie decided to leave his role. PurposeBuilt helped him negotiate an exit package on his terms, allowing him to take what we call an “earned luxury” period to reflect on his next steps and uncover what he truly wanted.
  • Today, Charlie is thriving in an executive role at a Fortune 50 company that aligns with his authentic self and ambitions—without requiring him to compromise his values or self-expression.


  • Charlie uncovered the hidden belief systems driving his ‘underdog narrative’ and reframed his approach to success.
  • He shifted his ambition from proving his worth to embracing the “infinite game” of leadership, prioritizing authentic self-expression and long-term contribution over validation.
  • Now, Charlie confidently serves in a leadership position as his full self, recognizing that success at the highest levels comes from embracing authenticity and inherent worth—not from proving it.
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