our why

We believe in the moment that personal + professional vision align.

This is when magic happens.

When people know why they’re doing what they’re doing, and how it supports their individual goals, decision-making becomes simple and collaboration flows naturally. In this way, Purpose serves as the litmus test of culture and operations. It becomes your best efficiency tooland the foundation upon which everything else is built.


Vision + Mission

We envision a world in which people thrive—by being, and building, their most authentic lives.

To change the world, you have to change your world. We exist to help people do both.


...and being super easy to work with.

Purpose at Work

Let Purpose become the DNA that drives your decision-making and see what happens.

When properly implemented, Purpose:

  • Bonds and empowers teams to run themselves. The trick is to funnel Purpose through to every part of your organization—from the C-suite to Product to Sales to Marketing—and especially to lesser-seen functions like Finance and HR.
  • Saves time and money by minimizing side projects spun up to ‘meet requirements’ rather than driving towards mission, and therefore eliminates hours of unnecessary discussion.
  • Creates a sense of psychological safety (plainspeak: trust) when every team member can directly tie work to what really matters to them personally, and understands how that contributes to the company’s reason for being.

If you are someone who wants to understand yourself and your people more deeply, we want to know you.

How we started

Founder’s Story

PurposeBuilt Founder Marina Suholutsky

When I hit the 12-year mark in the corporate world, I asked myself a simple question:

‘Why do I still do what I do?’

At that point, I was running a $200M revenue stream and I was doing something right.

The common thread running through my career (which spanned product, business, and brand development) was Strategy: I knew how to craft, and hold, a macro-level vision. My teams knew what we were working towards, and why.

Yet that wasn’t really my Why.

The real Why? My people.

I realized that it wasn’t until I started managing people that I found what I really loved. Within a Fortune 50 company, I set out to build a team with the understanding that each individual had something that drove them to be there–something they loved, that they could bring into their 60+ hour/week day job.

From that point on, I made it my mission to build teams one individual at a time. I interviewed people based on what made them happy, not what their resumé told me about them. Empowering people to contribute and create from a place of authenticity—that’s what lights me up.

With that knowledge, I began to delve deeply into the study of human behavior. I learned everything I could (and continue to do so) on how people ‘work’—how we process information and make decisions, what makes us tick.

This inspiration led to the creation of PurposeBuilt.

Get Started

Build from a place of Purpose

Let’s get started. Schedule your free strategy session today.

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