Welcome, My Business Playbook

This page is designed specifically for you.

I hope you found the podcast interview with Laura and myself useful. We’ve put together links to all the workshops mentioned during our chat, and provided a special set of promos, just for you.

Press play on the bonus video and take a look around!

Ways to Work with us

Upcoming Events:

Define Purpose

Find the intersection of what you love & what pays.

Clear Resisance

Clear the internal conflicts that are holding you back.

Purpose Workshop

A hands-on, half-day session that explores your passion, mission, contribution to this world and how you can get paid for it.

The outcome is a connection with your Soul Purpose & a Purpose Statement that provides  something tangible to come back to, whenever you need to remember who you are and why you’re here.

use code: Playbook20

Grab A Spot

Resistance Workshop

This workshop is built specifically to help you clear the biggest blocks that come up around living in your Purpose.  We’ explore key areas of life—personal, professional and financial—and re-write the stories that are keeping you stuck. We then create a Vision for a clearer future.

use code: Playbook20

Grab A Spot

Two Workshop Bundle

Go all-in and attend both the Purpose and Resistance workshops at our best promo price. Sign up for both events and receive 30% off.


Attend Both

Let’s Talk

Grab some time with me to plan your one-on-one breakthrough experience.


Get in touch